Hello, I Am Frontend Developer

Emmanuel Nwaohiri

A passionate Frontend Developer participating in the HNG Internship Program. My goal is to become a developer capable of solving problems and continuously learning new things.

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My Goals For The Next Two Years In Tech

Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible. - Tony Robbins

Current Time: 00:36:00 AM UTC

Current Day: Wednesday

Hello Future Me, I hope that when you visit this page in the next two years, you will have achieved at least 70% of the following goals. I made these goals considering our strengths, weaknesses, and desires, while making us accountable to the public.

Short-Term Goals (0-6 months)

  • Complete the HNG Internship Program
    • Gain hands-on experience in frontend development.
    • Gain experience working on a team.
    • Complete all stages and tasks of the internship.
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  • Strengthen Programming Foundations
    • Deepen understanding of JavaScript and TypeScript.
    • Study essential computer science concepts.
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  • Build some simple SaaS applications to be used by at least 2 people
    • Add more features to my BSc project and make it live.
    • Build a full-stack Todo application with AI and chart features.

Long-Term Goals    (6 months - 2 years)

  • Gain Professional Experience
    • Secure a frontend development role or internship at a tech company.
    • Work on real-world projects and collaborate with a team of developers.
  • X
  • Expand Your Skill Set
    • Learn and gain skills in Web3, blockchain, and AI, diversifying my skill set.
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  • Build a Personal Brand
    • Start a tech blog to share my knowledge and experiences.
    • Engage with the developer community on platforms like Twitter, YouTube, or Dev.to.
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  • Create a Major Personal Project
    • Develop a significant project that solves a real-world problem or serves a large audience.
    • Use this project to showcase my skills and innovation.

Other Goals (0 month - probably won't)

Get a girlfriend to cook for me, so that I can focus more on coding πŸ«£πŸ«ΆπŸ˜³πŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ.